"First class and cheap dental implants with experienced dentists of the best Hungarian dental clinics in the safe heart of Europe."

Vitalcenter has a professional facility, two oral surgeons, and a team that will put you at your ease, should you be nervous. They work with pain therapy, which is applied in the framework of the classic implantation procedures. Vitalcenter is located in the heart of Budapest. The chief surgeon is Dr. med. dent. György Peter. His team was carefully chosen, so they can provide outstanding friendliness, empathy, and patience to their patients.
What is the implantation procedure like in Vitalcenter Budapest?
Dentures through dental implants require particularly careful planning and implementation by dentists and technicians. The oral surgeon first gets information about the general health, any diseases, and regular medication intake of the patient. After this, they perform a thorough dental examination. X-rays are part of this examination. Special three-dimensional CT scans are also made if necessary.
The dentist performs the surgery under sedation; a hospital stay is not required. In the first phase of the intervention the dentist makes a tiny incision in the mucosa to set the maxillary bone free. This way he prepares the place for the implant. Then he inserts the artificial root and closes the wound. Covered this way, the healing of the wound takes 3 to 6 months, during which time the implant ossifies. This means that the jawbone grows onto the implant, which thus becomes fixed. During the healing time, the patient wears a temporary dental prosthesis. The patient may experience some swelling of the face after the operation, but the pain should soon pass. Regular monitoring is necessary during this time of course. After healing the patient goes back to the dental clinic in Budapest for the permanent crowns or bridges. This requires a second surgical intervention. The dental surgeon exposes the implant with a small incision in the mucous and inserts a so-called gum-forming screw. After a short time, the dentist takes a dental impression. This serves as the basis for the dental technician to prepare a sample and the dentures. The onset of the dentures is then again the task of the dentist at the Vitalcenter Budapest. In some cases, especially in the lower jawbone, the implants can be immediately loaded with a temporary replacement. It is up to the treating dentist in Budapest to assess the possible risks and advantages of this method for the specific case of each patient.
Preparations for the operation:
What to do before the surgery at our Dental Clinic in Budapest:
- Inform your dentist about any illness and medication
- Do the required tests for the sedation, if you are getting one
- As for eating and drinking before the surgery please consult your dentist
- Bring someone with you, it is always better not to leave the clinic by yourself after an operation
- Take your regularly taken medications, if your treating doctor has not advised you differently. (e.g.: in the case of anticoagulants, aspirin)
What to do after the operation in Dental Clinic Budapest:
- Do not eat as long as the effect of the dental anesthesia lasts
- Do not drink any coffee, tea, alcohol, smoke, and do not eat hot dishes for a day
- Take enhanced care of your oral hygiene: brushing teeth, rinsing with chlorhexidine as directed
- Take the recommended medications
- To reduce the swelling, put a cold compress on the outside of the operated area
- Do not drive a vehicle
Dr. György Peter
Area of expertise: Oral surgery, Implantology, Dento-alveolar surgeon |
Languages: English, German |
Personal: Dentist, M.Sc. in Implantology and Dental Surgery |
Dr. Velich Norbert
Area of expertise: Dento-alveolar and maxillofacial surgeon |
Languages: English, German |
Personal: Specialist in dentoalveolar surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgeon |
Dr. Gömbös Eszter
Area of expertise: Specialist in oral and dental diseases |
Languages: English, German |
Personal: Specialist in dental and oral diseases, veneers, E-max crown, crown |
Dr. Porpáczy Sarolta
Area of expertise: Prosthetic treatments, Aesthetic dentistry |
Languages: English |
Personal: Specialist in oral and dental diseases |
Dr. Szabó Krisztina
Area of expertise: Specialist in dental and oral diseases and orthodontics |
Languages: English |
Personal: orthodontics, children’s dental care |
Dr. Boross Boglárka
Area of expertise: Specialist in conservative dentistry and dentures |
Languages: English |
Personal: Prosthetics, aesthetic dentures |
Dr. Patai Korinna
Area of expertise: Periodontology |
Languages: English |
Personal: Periodontology, dentures |
Papp Éva
Area of expertise: Dental hygienist |
Languages: English, German |
Personal: I am qualified in Prosthodontics, Surgery, Conservative Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics |
Rácz Anikó
Area of expertise: Dental assistant |
Languages: English, German |
Personal: |
Manhertz Éva
Area of expertise: Dental assistant, dental hygienist, surgical assistant |
Languages: English, German |
Personal: |